Proyectos Solidarios

Apoyamos a quienes más lo necesitan en diferentes comunidades.

girl standing near brown fabric sofa chair inside room
girl standing near brown fabric sofa chair inside room
Comedores Escolares

Suministramos alimentos nutritivos para niños en riesgo.

black and white happy birthday balloon
black and white happy birthday balloon
Ayuda Internacional

Asistimos a países en desarrollo y en crisis humanitaria.

person showing both hands with make a change note and coins
person showing both hands with make a change note and coins
A train track in a large building with statues on it
A train track in a large building with statues on it

Brindamos apoyo inmediato en situaciones de desastre y crisis.

Desarrollo Sostenible

Impulsamos proyectos que fomentan la autogestión y progreso local.

Proyectos Solidarios

Ayudamos a comunidades necesitadas y contribuimos al bienestar global.

fireworks during daytime
fireworks during daytime
pile of printing papers
pile of printing papers
person holding ballpoint pen writing on white paper
person holding ballpoint pen writing on white paper
hands formed together with red heart paint
hands formed together with red heart paint